Workers' Compensation Insurer and TPA Reporting

The Research & Analysis Unit of the Workers’ Compensation Section collects workers’ compensation claims data required by statute and regulation through data calls issued via email notification. The Research & Analysis Unit functions to support the agency in its regulation of workers’ compensation insurers, third party administrators (TPAs), medical providers, and employers; as well as acting as a resource for internal agency investigators and auditors as they research claims information on behalf of injured workers.

Submit Reports to:

    Important Announcements

    Important Sign


        Insurer/TPA Data Call Notifications

        Click Here to Sign up for Insurer / TPA Data Call Notifications

        You DON'T need to sign up:

        If you are affiliated with an insurer and listed on the Insurer Information Form in CARDS as the

        • Corporate Contact
        • Compliance Contact or
        • State Statutory Reporting Contact

        or If you are affiliated with a TPA and listed on the TPA Information Form in CARDS as the

        • Primary Contact


            Data Call Resources


              Notify WCS of Updates - All Insurers and TPAs

              Insurer Information Form and the TPA Information Form are required to be completed within the CARDS portal:  

              The forms are no longer be available on the WCS web site and will not be accepted in the old format.

              Insurer Information Form- This form is available only in our CARDS system and must be completed online using the CARDS web form.  You must be be registered in CARDS, affiliated with an insurer and given rights to access the Insurer Information Form.  WCS requires this form to be updated within 30 days of any changes and reviewed and submitted at least once per year. We will send a reminder with a due date for the annual submission. The Insurer Information Form in CARDS is how insurers "link" to their Nevada TPAs, allowing them to submit claims data (D-38) and perform other task on their behalf.

              TPA Information Form - This form is available only in our CARDS system and must to be completed online using the CARDS web form. You must be registered in CARDS, affiliated with a TPA and given rights to access the TPA Information Form.  WCS requires this form to be updated within 30 days of any changes and review and submitted at least once per year in the "TPA Insurer Information Form and Claims Handled" data call. NOTE: The "Claims Handled" and "Client List" sections of the data call are not on the CARDS web form, and should be submitted via email to per the instructions.


                  FY WCS Workers' Compensation Claims Activity Report (NRS 616B.006 and 616B.009)

                  The annual WCS Workers' Compensation Claims Activity Report data call requests claims activity for a specified fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). This data call requires insurers to submit one of two reports: the WCS Workers' Compensation Claims Activity Report or the one-page Statement of Inactivity (for insurers with no workers' compensation claims activity during the fiscal year).   

                    FY24 WCS Workers' Compensation Claim Activity Report Data Call

                      Request forms for prior years here:


                          Occupational Disease Claims Ongoing Reporting (OD-8 Form)- All Insurers

                          Per NRS 617.357, insurers are required to report occupational disease claims of firefighters, police officers, arson investigators, and emergency medical attendants that encompass diseases of the heart or lungs or diseases that are infectious or relate to cancer pursuant to NRS 617.453, 617.455, 617.457, 617.481, 617.485 or 617.487.

                          Occupational Disease Claims Year-End Reporting

                          Within 5 days of the end of the calendar year, insurers with zero occupational disease claims during the calendar year pursuant to the above listed statutes are required to submit certification of inactivity.

                          Occupational Disease Claims Annual Reports

                          NRS 617.357(3) requires the Division of Industrial Relations to make available to the public a report containing the OD-8 information submitted by insurers during the preceding calendar year.


                            Proof of Coverage Ongoing Reporting- Private Carriers

                            Per NRS 616B.461 and NAC 616B.100-148, private carriers writing Nevada workers' compensation policies must report proof of coverage data to National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). Self-insured employers and associations of self-insured public and private employers are not required to report proof of coverage data.


                              Reporting Education





                                    Miscellaneous Information

                                    Annual PTD Claims Data Call - Important Update - July 2019: 

                                    SB 377 (2019) - Notice of Suspension of Annual PT Data Call

                                    Per NRS 616C.453, the Administrator is required to make annual payments to injured employees (or their dependents) who are permanently and totally disabled (PT) and who are NOT entitled to the annual payment pursuant to NRS 616C.473. See "Annual Permanent Total Disability Reporting - Requirements & Instructions" for more details.  NRS 616C.453 was repealed effective 7/1/2019.

                                    Nevada Death Benefits Claims Report: This report is not required annually.  This is a special data call upon request of the 2007, 2015 and 2019 Nevada Legislatures.


                                      Related Links